140 search results for: triggers

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Asthma triggers

… Asthma triggers An asthma trigger is anything that irritates your airways and sets off your asthma symptoms What triggers asthma symptoms? Understanding asthma triggers Different people’s asthma symptoms can be triggered …

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Cigarettes and asthma

… asthma attack. You’re more likely to react to your asthma triggers if your asthma is not well controlled.  Find out … us that vaping, or being exposed to second-hand vapour, triggers their asthma symptoms. Find out more about vaping … second-hand smoke If you know cigarette smoke or vapour triggers your asthma, there are a few things you can do: Keep …

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Pets and asthma

… mean you’re less likely to react to any of your asthma triggers, including animals and pets.  Your preventer inhaler … less likely you’ll get symptoms when you come across your triggers. Not everyone has a preventer inhaler. If you’ve … possible to avoid coming into contact with your asthma triggers.  If you have a preventer inhaler or a MART inhaler, …

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Stay well with your asthma at Christmas

… how to prepare for Christmas, common Christmas asthma triggers, and how to choose an asthma-friendly Christmas … tree.  On this page Christmas checklist Common Christmas triggers Christmas trees Print this page On this page Christmas checklist Common Christmas triggers Christmas trees Print this page Christmas checklist …

