Treatments for lung conditions

Find out about the different treatments for lung conditions 


Asthma + Lung UK


Find out more about antibiotics, how they can help with bacterial infections, and if they’re safe to take when you have asthma.
Biologic therapies

Biologic therapies for severe asthma

Read all about Xolair and newer types of biologic medicine on the horizon that may be offered to some people with severe allergic asthma.
Image of lungs

Bronchial thermoplasty

People with severe asthma are sometimes offered a treatment called ‘bronchial thermoplasty’. You can find out all about it here.
Asthma + Lung UK

Complementary therapies and asthma

Find out which complementary therapies can be helpful for asthma and which to avoid.
A smiling woman receiving a vaccine in her upper arm

Flu vaccines

Find out why getting the flu vaccine each year gives you the best protection against flu.

Home oxygen therapy

If you’re living with a lung condition, you may be offered home oxygen therapy if your blood oxygen levels are persistently low. We’ve put this information together to explain what home oxygen therapy is, why it’s used as a treatment and who can benefit from using it.


Find out how montelukast works as a treatment for asthma, how to take it, and what side effects to look out for.
Person using a nebuliser


Find out what a nebuliser does, who might need to use a nebuliser at home, and how to manage nebuliser side effects.
Steroid tablets

Taking steroid tablets for severe asthma

Find out why people take steroid tablets for severe asthma, the risks and side effects of long-term steroids, and how to get a referral for other specialist treatments.

Taking theophylline for asthma

Theophylline is a type of medicine called a bronchodilator, which means it opens your airways. It can help some people to manage their asthma better.


Find out why steroids are used to treat lung conditions like asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Inhalers and spacers

Asthma + Lung UK

Preventer inhalers

Find out how preventer inhalers work, when to take them, and how you can avoid common side effects.
Woman using a blue reliever inhaler

Reliever inhalers

Reliever inhalers act quickly to treat asthma symptoms and asthma attacks.
Asthma + Lung UK

Combination inhalers

An asthma combination inhaler combines two kinds of asthma medicine – a long-acting reliever and a preventer
Person holding a fluticasone and vilanterol inhaler.

Inhaler choices

Did you know that by managing your lung condition well you can feel your best and help the environment?
Asthma + Lung UK

Long-acting bronchodilator inhalers (LABA inhalers)

Long-acting bronchodilators work alongside your usual preventer inhaler to open up your airways and help make breathing easier.
Asthma + Lung UK

Maintenance and Reliever Therapy (MART)

Maintenance and Reliever Therapy (MART) is an asthma treatment plan where you use a MART combination inhaler instead of separate preventer and reliever inhalers
Asthma + Lung UK

AIR (anti-inflammatory reliever)

If you only get asthma symptoms occasionally, your doctor or nurse may prescribe you an anti-inflammatory reliever inhaler, known as AIR to use only when you need to. 
aerochamber spacer


Spacers are tube-like devices that attach to inhalers and help you get the best from your medicine.