The right technique to manage your symptoms
Get your nasal spray technique right, and it won’t drip from your nose or down the back of your throat. We show you how in this short video.
Hi I'm Caroline. I'm a respiratory nurse. I'm going to show you how to use a nasal spray. Getting your nasal spray technique right is very important because it helps you to manage your symptoms better. It may take a few tries to feel comfortable using your nasal spray, but it gets easier with practice. There are lots of different brands of nasal spray. They are all held and used in slightly different ways, so do check the instructions as well as watching this video. If you are using your nasal spray for the first time, first shake it well with the cap on for ten seconds. Take off the cap. Hold the nasal spray upright, point the nozzle away from you and press the button on the side or press the pump down. Do this until you see a fine mist of spray coming out. This means it is now ready for use. To use your nasal spray, first gently blow your nose. Shake the nasal spray well. Take off the cap and hold the nasal spray in the opposite hand to the nostril into which you are going to use the spray. Tilt your head forwards a little bit. Place the nozzle just inside your nostril, pointing it slightly outwards, away from the centre of your nose. This helps the medicine get to the right place and helps to avoid side effects. Some brands recommend blocking the other nostril with your finger. Press the button on the side or press the pump down and breathe in very gently through your nose. Don't sniff hard. Take the nozzle out and breathe out through your mouth. If you have been told to use a second spray, repeat these steps. Then use the same technique to use the nasal spray in the other nostril. When you've finished, wipe the nozzle and put the cap back on. If you're using the correct nasal spray technique, it shouldn't drip from your nose or down the back of your throat. Remember, you can also watch our other videos on using and looking after your inhaler.

This video is not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you find it hard to use your inhaler, or find breathing problems are interfering with your daily life and sleep, see your GP. If you are having an asthma attack right now or cannot breathe normally and your blue reliever inhaler isn't helping or if you don’t have one, please call 999 for an ambulance. Asthma + Lung UK does not endorse nor recommend specific products. See our general disclaimer.

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