Council of Healthcare Professionals

Find out more about our multidisciplinary council and how they provide clinical support to inform our work. 

What is the Council of Healthcare Professionals?

Asthma + Lung UK’s Council of Healthcare Professionals (CHP) is led by the Healthcare Professional Engagement team, and its primary purpose is to advise Asthma + Lung UK on lung health issues including NHS treatment, best clinical practice, emerging technologies and therapies, and help shape Asthma + Lung UK’s policy work. The CHP is distinct from any research panels that A+LUK currently host.

Role of the Council

  • Provide intelligence and clinical perspective to inform priority setting and influencing work.
  • Input into operational plans and advise on approaches to delivery.
  • Provide feedback and clinical support across projects.
  • Advise on responses to national consultation and reviews.
  • Act as spokespeople for the charity within the media. 
  • Act as ambassadors for the charity within their region/profession/networks.  


We are next recruiting for council members in April 2025.  If you would like to express an interest please get in touch with Naomi Watt at