Bronchiectasis Online Support Group

A free online support group to meet and connect with other bronchiectasis patients

Our volunteer Patricia has founded the online bronchiectasis group with our support.

The group meet online over Zoom every 3rd Thursday of the month at 1.30pm.

Patricia says, "Having had Bronchiectasis for most of my life I am passionate about living positively with the condition and enjoying as full a life as possible. I am saddened when people are diagnosed with Bronchiectasis and not given any guidelines, support and hope – just medication and a review annually.

With this passion, the idea for A+LUK (Asthma + Lung UK) BE HAPPY online support group was developed (as in Bronchiectasis Happy). I am thrilled to have been invited to host this new online group specifically for people with Bronchiectasis, to support and hopefully generate positivity into our lives, to discuss the things that we can do and together we can support each other and live happier and more fulfilled lives."

Registration is currently at capacity.

Please sign up for the Bronchiectasis newsletter

Patricia's monthly Bronchiectasis newsletter will contain information about bronchiectasis, our support groups and other services, how to get involved with Asthma + Lung UK, our research and more.  

Sign up here

We will also use this mailing list to notify you as soon as spaces become available on our bronchiectasis Zoom sessions, as well as any upcoming webinars.

If you would like to find out more, email Patricia at or call 0300 222 5800.

Patricia out walking with hiking poles

"Walking/Hiking Poles - Walking has been made easier for me with the aid of walking poles or hiking sticks.  I actually bought mine very cheaply from the ‘middle isle’ of a high street supermarket a couple of years ago but they are available online or from outdoor or sports shops.  They have certainly made my life much easier."