Parent and Carer Support Network Events

Join our free monthly Zoom meeting for parents and carers of children with asthma. 

We hold a free online meeting over Zoom every month for parents and carers of children with asthma. Each meeting has a different topic and is organised by our kind and knowledgeable healthcare professionals. 

Every meeting is opened by a parent or carer of a child with asthma, who understands what you are going through. You can turn your camera on and talk to others, or leave your camera off and just listen. 

Our next meeting is on Wednesday 25th September 2024 at 6pm

Going for Gold: Inspiring children and young people to sport on World Lung Day 

Ready, Set, Breathe! Come along with (or without) your child to our fun and interactive webinar on managing asthma in sports and after-school clubs. 

We’re all about showing children and young people that asthma doesn’t have to sideline their dreams of being active and having fun. Breathe easy and learn how to stay ahead of the game, managing asthma like a pro. 

This is a golden opportunity to discover how to sprint past asthma and score big in your favourite activities. 

Register here

You are welcome to attend as many meetings as you like. Take a look at our calendar below and sign up to our mailing list for more information and to be notified when registration opens.

Join our mailing list


2024 Calendar

Download a copy of our 2024 Parent Carer Support Network Calendar. 

Download here


We want to reach as many parents and carers that need us, as possible.
We would be grateful if you could please download and print our calendar. Ask to display it in your local GP, school and/or community noticeboard. 
Thank you.

Wednesday 23rd October 2024 From Hospital to Home Sometimes the scariest thing is not knowing what’s to come. Learn about what will happen if your child’s asthma gets worse and they need to go to hospital. Hear from families who have had to take their child to hospital before. Find out about how to care for your child when they leave hospital. 
Tuesday 26th November 2024 Stay well in the festive season  Many children with asthma will also have food allergies or intolerances. The festive season can be a very worrying time, with lots of parties and tasty treats for children. Speak to an allergy nurse specialist to help bust your festive food fears. 