Apply for funding 2023 - 2024

A wide range of funding opportunities are available for early career researchers, projects and trials investigating mesothelioma, and healthcare professionals pursuing a PhD. 

Apply for an ERS Travel Award

Early Career Researchers will receive £750 to help with travel, accommodation and registration costs. There are 10 awards available. 

This year, the European Respiratory Society (ERS) International Congress 2024 will be held in Vienna, Austria between 7th - 11th September 2024. You can apply if: 

  • You received your PhD less than 10 years ago (not counting career breaks)
  • You don't hold a PhD but do have equivalent research experience
  • Are actively involved in research and presenting or authoring an abstract accepted for presentation at the Congress

Applications close 3pm 15th July 2024. 

Apply today

Please note, grant applications are now closed. 

Mesothelioma awards

Clinical trial awards, Project grant awards, and Pump-priming awards are available. 

Clinical trial award: 

  • To support trials of new treatments including new and existing molecules, either not yet licensed for any indication or already licensed for use in other indications

Project grant and pump-priming awards:

  • To support and improve earlier diagnosis of mesothelioma (including discovery science that underpins this aim)
  • Contribute to the fundamental understanding of how asbestos causes cancer and/or how mesothelioma develops

Early career starter awards for PhD graduates 

Available for all post-doctoral researchers who completed their PhD. To apply for this award, you must not have been the Principal Investigator or Grantholder for a grant award in excess of £100,000. Awards are for projects running up to 18 months with up to £100,000. 

Healthcare professional PhD bursary awards

Available for healthcare professional who have secured a PhD but whose stipend will not cover their living costs. To apply you must either: 

  • Currently be studying for a PhD and have at least 6 months remaining at the time of award (June 2024) 
  • Received confirmation and secured funding for a PhD that will commence before June 2025 (12 months after time of award) 

  • clinical scientists
  • dietitians 
  • midwives 
  • nurses   
  • occupational therapists 
  • paramedics 
  • pharmacists 
  • physiotherapists 
  • physiologists
  • practitioner psychologists 
  • radiographers 
  • speech and language therapists 

Applicants will be required to provide evidence of the funding requested to ensure the award will not go above their clinical salary. 

More information about support for healthcare professionals.

Criteria, guidance and application support

More information about the eligibility criteria and guidance about how to make your application are available on our Flexi-grant portal.  

Email if you get stuck or have any questions or concerns about Flexi-grant.