The Breathe Easy Programme

Living with a lung condition can be difficult. Let's talk about it.

These four workshops are designed to help provide you with a toolkit for looking after your lungs. You’ll learn some behaviour change techniques to help you stay motivated, as well as some full body breathing. You’ll get to attend a pulmonary taster workshop and a talk from one of our respiratory nurses, including time for any questions at the end.

Please make sure you read our full guidelines for participating in our support group sessions before you join.


We ask that if you've attended this course in the last six months you don't register again just yet. We want these sessions to be available to as many people as possible.

We know it isn't always possible, but we ask that you try to attend all four workshops as the sessions are designed as part of a programme, and you will benefit more by attending all four sessions. We also kindly ask that you arrive in good time for the start of the sessions. As the practical sessions require instruction and explanation if you arrive during this time you’ll be admitted after that particular practice is completed.

The Breathe Easy Programme is taking a break over summer, but please check back in autumn.